Google Weblog

October 20, 2003: Google Glossary, Stock Quote Links

Continuing Google's quest to build everything into the search results, Google Glossary has gone live on the main Google site. Do a search for something like define elephant or define dna and you get back a definition with your search results. Search for define: dna or click "more results" to see the rest of the definitions. Google Glossary is also still available separately, as part of Google Labs.

Also, when you do a search for a search like apple or dell, links to company home pages now also include a stock quote link, like: Stock Quotes: AAPL. (Thanks, Ido Kenan!)

In other news: Some Chinese bloggers have reported that China has blocked Google again. AdSense is going to require US tax numbers starting in November. And a French court made a silly ruling against Google, saying it's illegal to sell ads for searches that include trademarks. The ruling is expected to be overturned on appeal.

Posted by Aaron Swartz on October 20, 2003 12:54 PM